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WYTCH FINGER Channels Classic Horror Soundtracks With Debut Concept EP ‘The Dance’



Listening to Wytch Finger feels like you’re watching a cult horror film straight out of the late 70s. Channeling bits of your favorite era horror soundtracks like Suspiria or Assault on Precinct 13, combined with a layer of authentic sound effects, Wytch Finger uses sound and music to tell a story wrapped in a retro horror soundscape.

The duo’s debut EP The Dance is streaming now on Spotify and Apple Music, and a limited release with interstitials featuring foley sound effects and immersive soundscapes is coming later this year on vinyl and cassette.

A secretive cult abducts the perfect vessel for the return of their idol, and through a bygone ceremony sacrifice her and themselves to be reborn as an undead army. An ancient evil has returned and the celebration has begun.

The Dance Track Listing

I The Offering
II The Transformation
III The Arrival
IV The Dance
V The Slaughter

Original album art created by Andrew Tremblay. Find Witch Finger on Instagram




David Lynch and Chrystabell Announce New Album ‘Cellophane Memories’; Listen to a Track Now



David Lynch movie cannes

Legendary filmmaker David Lynch had been teasing a special surprise for June 5, and all has been revealed over on the official David Lynch Theater YouTube account this morning.

Chrystabell and David Lynch are reuniting for the upcoming album Cellophane Memories, which we’ve learned Sacred Bones Records will be releasing on August 2, 2024!

To announce the album, they’ve also launched an official video for the track ‘Sublime Eternal Love.’ The video, seen below, was directed and photographed by David Lynch himself.

Performed by Chrystabell, the new music video was produced by Sabrina S. Sutherland, and it features Camera – Lighting, and Audio Assistance by Riley Lynch and Michael Barile.

You can pre-order and pre-save Cellophane Memories now.

Detailed in a press release, the album “comes from a vision that David experienced during a nighttime walk through a forest of tall trees, over the tops of which he saw a bright light. As he recalls it, the light became the lilt of Chrystabell’s voice and revealed a secret to him.”

“Elisions in time reappear over and over within Chrystabell’s vocals, which emerge and dissolve and loop back in layers of harmony and history,” the press release announcing the brand new album continues. “They are mantled by David’s, and late composer Angelo Badalamenti’s, orchestra of waldeinsamkeit-inspired strings, oneiric guitar glissandi and clouds of reverb, whose melodies are like the sensation of time pausing for a first kiss.”

A singer and actress, Chrystabell appeared in Lynch’s “Twin Peaks: The Return,” and previously worked with David Lynch on the albums This Train and Somewhere in the Nowhere.

David Lynch album

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