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Comic-Con ’11: Interview with ‘Darkest Hour’ Director Chris Gorak: It’s “‘Jaws’ [Meets] ’28 Days Later’ With Aliens”



At Comic-Con this weekend I had an opportunity to briefly sit down with director Chris Gorak, who made a splash at Sundance in 2006 with the low-budget indie thriller Right at Your Door and subsequently won a high-profile studio directing gig with the upcoming alien invasion film The Darkest Hour.

Following a short presentation earlier in the day in which Gorak, producers Tom Jacobson and Monnie Wills, and cast members Emile Hirsch, Max Minghella, and Joel Kinnaman presented a first-ever screening of the film’s intriguing theatrical trailer, I met with Gorak one-on-one to get a better idea of what we can expect.

San Diego Comic Con The Darkest Hour
Here’s the story in, a nutshell: Two pairs of young Americans (Hirsch/Minghella and Rachael Taylor/Olivia Thirlby) meet at a bar while traveling abroad in Moscow. Shortly thereafter, there is an apocalyptic-scale alien invasion that kills off the majority of the city’s population and renders all electric devices useless.

The aliens turn out to be invisible creatures made up of “wave energy” that kill by “shredding” humans (i.e. instantly reducing their bodies to ash) with a deadly electrical force. Navigating their way through the aftermath of the destruction, the four main characters soon discover that the presence of the aliens can be detected by paying attention to light sources, which illuminate when the creatures pass through an area. They use this knowledge to try and survive while attempting to gather any information they can about the scope of the disaster outside the confines of the city, which has been cut off from the rest of the world.

One of the fun things about this project for me was I wanted to latch the story to the perspective of the characters,” said Gorak. “So as they learn, we learn as an audience. So as they find a nugget of information – what happened over there, who’s safe over here, or whatever – we learn it too.

According to Gorak, the film’s sensibility can best be described this way: “I kind of looked at the monster movies,” he said. “[Like] ‘Jaws’. You know, that kind of unseen enemy is what we have in the film. And then the journey through the empty world. You know, ’28 Days Later’. Another great, fresh take on the zombie movie, where it just had an epic quality to it…those two movies I can point to and say…[this is] ‘Jaws’ [meets] ’28 Days Later’ with aliens!

As for designing the look of the creatures, whose true forms are revealed sometime in the third act of the movie, Gorak admitted making them unique presented something of a challenge: “To do creature creation or alien creation, it’s a difficult design challenge,” he said. “And we went [through] endless iterations of design to get there. One thing I realize is, as humans we see something and right away we want to categorize it. So ‘oh, that’s cool, but it looks like a bug’…’that’s cool, but it looks like a cat.’ You know, like our brains want to put it into a box. So [to] come up with something fresh that hasn’t been in another movie, and then doesn’t remind you of something, becomes this really incredible challenge. But I think one thing we had going for us is the alien has these powers based in physics. So we kind of reverse-engineered from there. So it’s made up of wave energy and shreds people and has these electrical tendrils [to grab hold of its prey]. So backing up from there, what creature would create that?

Unusual for a 3D film, Gorak said ‘The Darkest Hour’ will also feature quite a bit of hand-held camera work: “We wanted to tell our gritty, down and dirty, hand-held movie in 3D,” he said, while also pointing to the fact that they use quite a bit of more static, classically-composed cinematography as well. “There is as much [hand-held] as we could do with the cameras not breaking.

“The Darkest Hour” will be released by Summit Entertainment on December 23rd. Stay tuned here for more updates.

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“Daywalkers Make It Look Easy” – Wesley Snipes Comments on Marvel’s ‘Blade’ Troubles



It has now been 26 years since Wesley Snipes first played Marvel’s vampire slayer Blade on the big screen, and 20 years since the last time he played the character in Blade: Trinity. The role is next being taken over by Mahershala Ali in Marvel’s upcoming reboot movie, but at this point we’re starting to wonder if we’re ever going to meet Ali’s Blade on the big screen.

It’s no secret that the brand new Blade movie has been bumped all over the release calendar the last couple years, currently set for theatrical release on November 7, 2025. But the movie is without a director at the moment, with Yann Demange (“Lovecraft Country”) departing the project in the wake of Bassam Tariq (Mogul Mowgli) exiting the film back in 2022.

Taking to Twitter over the weekend, Wesley Snipes offered his own thoughts on the behind the scenes struggles to bring his most iconic big screen character back to the big screen.

Snipes tweets, “Blade, lordylordylordy 👀 folks still lookin for the secret sauce, ridin snowmobiles in traffic, kinda rough. Daywalkers make it look easy, don’t they?”

Marvel’s Blade reboot starring Mahershala Ali was originally announced at San Diego Comic-Con back in 2019. Since then, creative differences have repeatedly delayed the project.

At this time, Mia Goth (X, Pearl, MaXXXine) is also on board to star.

Stay tuned for more as we learn it.

The vampire-slaying character was created by writer Marv Wolfman and artist Gene Colan, introduced in July 1973’s The Tomb of Dracula #10. Wesley Snipes played Blade across three films from 1998 through 2004, and he was played by Sticky Fingaz in a short-lived TV series.

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