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‘Inside’ One of the New French Extremity’s Strongest (and Bloodiest) Entries [Horror Queers Podcast]



Horror Queers Inside

Gimme dat baby.

After wrapping up November with a look at cryptids in The Mothman Prophecies (listen), we kicked off December with a journey back into the land of giallo in Sergio Martino’s Your Vice is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key (listen). Now we’re heading to France to discuss everyone’s favorite pregnancy-related splatterfest in Julien Maury and Alexandre Bustillo‘s Inside (2007).

Inside sees newly widowed (and very pregnant) Sarah (Alysson Paradis) spending Christmas Eve alone as she waits to be induced the next morning. Unfortunately for her, a mysterious, scissors-wielding woman known only as La Femme (Béatrice Dalle) has designs on her unborn child, and will stop at nothing until she gets it.

Be sure to subscribe to the podcast to get a new episode every Wednesday. You can subscribe on iTunes/Apple PodcastsStitcherSpotifyiHeartRadioSoundCloudTuneInAmazon MusicGoogle Podcasts, and RSS.

Episode 260: Inside (2007)

Watch the road and finish your knitting project because we’re delving back into the world of New French Extremity with a festive look at Julien Maury and Alexandre Bustillo’s 2007 home invasion film Inside.

Join us as we laud lead actresses Béatrice Dalle and Alysson Paradis for their visceral performances before putting the film’s narrative into the context of the 2005 French riots that serve as the background setting of the film.

Plus: a very emotive CGI fetus, the deadliest scissors you’ll ever see, and some very incompetent law enforcement officers.

Cross out Inside!

Coming up on Wednesday: We’re feeling festive so it’s time to finally cover everyone’s favorite zombie holiday musical: 2017’s Anna and the Apocalypse!

P.S. Subscribe to our Patreon for nearly 275 hours of Patreon content including this month’s new episodes on A Creature Was Stirring, When Evil Lurks, Leave the World Behind and It’s a Wonderful Knife, plus an audio commentary celebrating the 50th anniversary of The Exorcist (1973).

A journalist for Bloody Disgusting since 2015, Trace writes film reviews and editorials, as well as co-hosts Bloody Disgusting's Horror Queers podcast, which looks at horror films through a queer lens. He has since become dedicated to amplifying queer voices in the horror community, while also injecting his own personal flair into film discourse. Trace lives in Denver, CO with his husband and their two dogs. Find him on Twitter @TracedThurman


America’s Most Haunted: Which House Deserves the Top Spot this Time? [Guide to the Unknown]



So many places claim the title of “The Most Haunted House in America” that it makes you wonder: who’s really got the goods? Kristen and Will of Bloody FM’s Guide to the Unknown are taking a look at places that proudly claim this accolade two at a time for mini-competitions that mean absolutely nothing.

With one previous episode under their belt, this week, they’ve fixed their eyes on the Allen House and the Congelier House.

The Allen House of Monticello, Arkansas, is a beauty featuring columns, turrets, and a tragic history that seems to have led to a ghostly present. Ladell Allen Bonner killed herself by drinking cyanide during her mother’s annual Christmas party in 1948. She was 54 years old.

After her death, her mother sealed the room off, perhaps to contain and cover the tragedy—though some recount her saying it was to keep Ladell inside because she was causing trouble in the house. For years, people who passed the house said they saw Ladell’s shadow in the window of her room. It seemed Ladell was still around. Her internal life before her death was a mystery until the Spencer family moved into the Allen house in the 2000s and pulled up a floorboard in the attic to reveal a treasure trove of love letters that told a story. It seemed that Ladell, who was married to a man named Joe Lee Allen, had been carrying on an affair with her high school sweetheart, Prentiss Savage, for many years – and that his breaking it off may have caused her to take her life.

Now, some of what the family had experienced in the home, like seeing shadow figures, had context. (They’ve even shared video of some family ghost-hunting investigations with son Jacob, adorably taking on the role of Team Leader, mom Rebecca, as Tech Specialist, and dad Jacob presumably in a general support role.)

Then we have the Congelier House, built in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1880 and torn down sometime in the early-mid 1900s. The infamous abode is also known as The House the Devil Built, but it looks like this one is all bark and no bite.

The lore around the Congelier House is mainly focused on sinister events that would precipitate later hauntings, as opposed to hauntings themselves, but the events have been largely debunked. The house probably wasn’t haunted by the ghosts of people who didn’t exist. It seems like it was inhabited by ordinary people living everyday lives – including the actual Congelier family, which gave the house its name (but certainly not the story that goes with it).

The legend goes that the Congeliers were the first to live in the home and, driven mad by her husband’s dalliances with their maid, the lady of the house murdered the other two. It is a classic setup for ghosts’ unrest if you stop there. But whatever pre-teen came up with it went a little too far, adding the detail that soon after, a family friend came over unannounced to find Mrs. Congelier singing lullabies to the cradled, decapitated head of her husband’s mistress.

Then there’s the fictional story of another tenant, Dr. Adolph C. Brunrichter, a mad and murderous doctor who lured women to the home only to murder them and perform experiments with their remains. It was, of course, too late to do anything about it once the authorities realized what he was up to: he had fled. He supposedly turned back up years later in New York, where he evaded the police once again, able to roam dangerously free.

There’s no record of any of this happening, but these stories certainly get points for creativity, and there’s something kind of cool about imagining how they’ve reached us today. They must have been passed around during and after the time the house was standing, and then, luckily, when the internet came around, someone thought to type up a memory about that one house, and it went on from there.

Then boom, this place gets touted as the most haunted house in America. However, in Kristen and Will’s extremely unofficial estimation, it’s gotta lose the smackdown to the Allen House. At least the Allen House was home to people whose stories check out…and one extremely delightful paranormal Team Leader.

For a more in-depth discussion of these haunted houses, check out this week’s episode and subscribe to Guide to the Unknown on Apple PodcastsSpotify, or wherever you get your podcasts to get a new episode every Friday.

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