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‘Bodies Bodies Bodies’ and the Terror of Toxic Femininity [The Lady Killers Podcast]



“They’re not as nihilistic as they look on the internet. That’s just what they want you to think.”

If there’s one thing Gen X and Elder Millennials have over the youth of today, it’s the memory of life before the Internet. We committed our mistakes without phone cameras constantly rolling and our youthful mistakes have been lost to time. Sure we were limited by geographical location and had to actually (gasp) talk on the phone, but we maintained a physical presence in all interactions and had to answer for our missteps as they stared us in the face. Halina Reijn takes a group of Gen Z friends back to this archaic reality in Bodies Bodies Bodies, a murder mystery set during a wifi-disrupting storm. Forced to interact without the assistance of a screen, these toxic friends descend into murderous chaos.

Just six weeks after sobering up, Sophie (Amandla Stenberg) and her new girlfriend Bee (Maria Bakalova) crash a hurricane party thrown by her rich friend Dave (Pete Davidson). The festivities get off to a rousing start, but jealousy between Dave and newcomer Greg (Lee Pace) puts a damper on the carefree vibe. The girls try to smooth over awkward old wounds with a drug-fueled dance party and a violent murder mystery game dubbed Bodies Bodies Bodies. But when one of the group turns up actually dead, friendships implode as they search for the killer. The film’s title becomes especially apt and there’s not much left but a pile of bodies as the storm finally passes and the wifi reconnects.

In a new episode, The Lady Killers tackle this exciting film and the vicious ladies at its blood-soaked center. Co-hosts Jenn AdamsMae Shults, Rocco T. Thompson, and Sammie Kuykendall remember their own history with drinking games and share thoughts about the dangers of being terminally online. They’ll chat slaps, therapy speak, delusion, and drugs as they try to untangle this cinematic storm. Why do these friends play such a violent variation of this whodunnit game? What happens to turn Emma into a serial kisser? How does the loss of internet connection change the nature of their friendship and is Lee Pace the most beautiful man to ever wield a Gurkha sword? The Lady Killers contend a summer of heat while sifting through the bodies of this neon whodunnit.

Stream below and subscribe now via Apple Podcasts and Spotify for future episodes that drop every Thursday.

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The Drag Queen Soldier and Penisbursters of ‘Leprechaun 4: In Space’ [Horror Queers Podcast]



Horror Queers Leprechaun 4

Lunar luck.

After concluding May with a discussion of Lisa Brühlmann’s female coming-of-age tale Blue My Mind (listen) and kicking off June reevaluating the unfairly maligned third act of Danny Boyle’s Sunshine (listen), we’re…..staying in outer space to marvel at the wacky antics of Lubdan the Leprechaun (Warwick Davis) in Brian Trenchard-Smith‘s 1997 sequel Leprechaun 4: In Space!

In the film, the Leprechaun abducts Princess Zarina (Rebekah Carlton), a member of an alien planet’s royalty, in an attempt to wed her and become her home planet’s new ruler. Unfortunately for him, a platoon of well-armed soldiers, led by Master Sergeant “Metal Head” Hooker (Tim Colceri), arrive to foil his plans. Not easily defeated, however, the feisty Leprechaun bursts out of one of the solider’s penises (yes, really) and continues to battle the soldiers while also contending with the warped scientist Dr. Mittenhand (Guy Siner).

Be sure to subscribe to the podcast to get a new episode every Wednesday. You can subscribe on iTunes/Apple PodcastsStitcherSpotifyiHeartRadioSoundCloudTuneInAmazon Music, and RSS.

Episode 285: Leprechaun 4: In Space (1997)

Watch out for that green electricity flying up your urine stream because we’re discussing Brian Trenchard-Smith’s 1997 sequel Leprechaun 4: In Space. Beaming up for this ridiculous venture are Mike and Bobby of the People Under the Scares podcast!

Join us as we travel to planet Ithicon to witness the Leprechaun’s new penisburster skill before trying to figure out just what the fuck is going on in this direct-to-video sequel. Plus: metal-head cyborg drag queens, PlayStation 1-level CGI, gratuitous space nudity and many, many tangents.

Cross out Leprechaun 4: In Space!

Coming up on Wednesday: We’re discussing a recent entry in the trans horror canon with a look at Brad Michael Elmore’s 2019 vampire film Bit!

P.S. Subscribe to our Patreon for over 312 hours of Patreon content including this month’s new episodes on Hannibal Season 1 Episode 6, Under Paris, The Exorcism and The Watchers. And our audio commentary for the month will be on David Bruckner’s 2017 film The Ritual!

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