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Shoot Up Insects With Your Revolver in Bug-Infested FPS ‘Chitin’ [Video]



We’ve have films like Bug, Slither, Arachnophobia and more to exploit our fears of entomophobia, but what about video games? tinybuild’s Kill It With Fire is more humour than horror, but luckily (and for FPS fans), indie developer Heinn’s Chitin is here to rectify that.

Submitted as part of’s sewerjam 3 (and available for free on, there’s not a lot in terms of story for Chitin. Heinn laments this, instead focusing on atmosphere. According to them, their main goal for Chitin was to “try and evoke what I felt going through the rot part of Dark Souls 3 snow DLC.”

But really, do you need much in terms of story when you’re trying to survive as you make your way through a bug-infested building, shooting them as you go? Your revolver has infinite ammo, but it’s offset with a long reload time. Meaning, you’ll need to make your shots count when you have a whole swarm of bugs to deal with, and running isn’t an option. Compounding matters is that as you take damage, bugs will begin to appear on the screen, obscuring and distracting you from the bugs in the environment.

Heinn says that they might expand on the ideas in Chitin “a little bit” in the future, but for now, this is a creepy little FPS that will hopefully be the sign of better things to come.

Thanks to AlphaBetaGamer for spotting this one.

Writer/Artist/Gamer from the Great White North. I try not to be boring.

Video Games

Upcoming “Unholy Alliance” Update for ‘Cult of the Lamb’ Adds Local Co-op and More [Teaser]



Cult of the Lamb players will be getting more free goodies later this summer with the Unholy Alliance update. Coming August 12, the update introduces a brand new playable character in the Goat, which coincides with the game allowing local co-op.

With the Unholy Alliance update, the entire Cult of the Lamb campaign will be playable in local co-op. Players will also be able to enjoy special 2-player versions of existing mini-games, such as Fishing and Knucklebones, as well as choose from a selection of weapons, tarot cards, curses, and corrupted relics as your cooperative crusades progress.

The Lamb and Goat can also swap weapons, deal extra damage when fighting back to back, and even deliver a critical hit when their attacks are in sync. Good news for those who prefer to stay alone in their corner: they will be able to benefit from various new powers.

In addition to the addition of cooperative play, the Unholy Alliance expansion adds several tarot cards, relics, buildings, fleeces, character traits and quests, as well as the addition of new secrets to discover.

More information on the update will be released as the launch date creeps closer. Cult of The Lamb is available now on PC via Steam, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, and the Nintendo Switch.

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