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What Would You Like to See from ‘Dead Space 4′?



Back in June, I asked you what you’d like to see from Doom 4. The response was impressive; you all had plenty to say about the game and the discussion that followed was quite a bit of fun — at least for me, I hope it was for you too. All sorts of perspectives, ideas and hopes were shared, argued and defended. No one was right or wrong, it was just a fun discussion, and now I’d like to do it again.

Visceral Games general manager Steve Papoutsis recently confirmed — again — that Dead Space is still very much alive and will return sometime in the (likely distant) future.

Dead Space 3 is the main reason why EA put the series on a temporary hiatus in the first place. It performed well below their expectations, both in terms of sales and reviews. I’ve noticed from the feedback on my past Dead Space 3 articles that while most of you didn’t seem to necessarily hate the game, opinions on it are certainly mixed. So with that in mind, what would you like to see from the inevitable fourth installment in the Dead Space franchise?

A return to survival horror? No more co-op? Optional four player co-op? Even more weapon crafting and customization? A total reboot with a fresh cast of characters? Share your thoughts in the comments below!



Gamer, writer, terrible dancer, longtime toast enthusiast. Legend has it Adam was born with a controller in one hand and the Kraken's left eye in the other. Legends are often wrong.


‘Dead and Breakfast’ – Dermot Mulroney Stars in B&B Horror Movie



Coming soon from Beno Films and Al Bravo Films, the horror movie Dead and Breakfast has wrapped production, and Deadline shares a first-look image with us this week (above).

Dermot Mulroney (Scream VI) stars in the upcoming film.

Deadline details, “The horror thriller follows five petty criminals who rob a pawn shop in Kansas City. On their drive back to Little Rock, an unexpected engine failure forces them to stay in a bed & breakfast in the middle of nowhere where their plan quickly derails into a bloodbath.”

William Moseley, Chris Mullinax, and Texas Battle also star.

J.P. Loppo Martinez wrote and directed Dead and Breakfast.

Eduard Osipov, Al Bravo, and RJ Collins produced the film.

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