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Novelist L.A Banks The Newest Author To Crossover Into Comics With ‘The Vampire Huntress’



Adding her name to the already long laundry list of novelists who are making the jump into comics, L.A Banks author of the popular New York Times Best Selling series of novels “THE VAMPIRE HUNTRESS”, has announced that she will be teaming with publishing Dynamite (“THE BOYS”, “ARMY OF DARKNESS”) to release an epilogue to the last book in the series titled “THE HIDDEN DARKNESS”. Inside you can read all the details on the book. “The series centers around a young twenty-something woman named Damali Richards who is a spoken word artist but is also The Neteru, a human who is born every thousand years to fight the Dark Realms. Her most dangerous and most constant enemy from The Dark Realms are vampires.”


“Book 1: Ashes to Ashes. The Neterus and worldwide Guardian teams have defeated Satan’s top demon, The Thirteenth, and have driven back the forces of evil in the first battle of the Armageddon. But the dark side is only in temporary retreat. The warriors of the Light may have won that battle, but it remains to be seen whether or not they’ve won the war. Beneath the earth in the caverns of Hell, the Dark Lord is plotting his next strike with a vengeance. With the human population still reeling from global wars, famine, floods, and every conceivable natural disaster and plague, something slithers into the Guardian camps–felling the members of the Guardian teams–and humanity’s only chance of survival. The Vampire Huntress Legends: The Hidden Darkness is an original story that takes place after the epilogue in the 12th and final book in the Vampire Huntress series of novels.”

“THE VAMPIRE HUNTRESS: THE HIDDEN DARKNESS” Issue #1 Drops This July Thanks To Dynamite Publishing! (MSRP-$3.99)


‘The Toxic Avenger’ Returns with Cover Artwork for First Issue of New Comic Book Series [Exclusive]



With a remake on the way and a new 4K restoration of the original classic now streaming, it’s a good time to be a fan of Troma’s The Toxic Avenger. Additionally, Matt Bors — the founder of The Nib and a political cartoonist who has twice been named a Pulitzer Prize finalist —and acclaimed artist Fred Harper (Snelson) are collaborating on an all-new 5-issue comic book series starring the satirical superhero of the Troma Films cult classic films!

TOXIC AVENGER #1 will land in stores on October 9, 2024.

While you wait, you can exclusively check out the issue #1 cover art from Fred Harper below, along with a set of emojis designed by Harper for the extremely online teens of Tromaville.

“The Toxic Avenger delivers what Troma fans want,” said AHOY Comics Editor-in-Chief Tom Peyer. “The series has violent action, gross mutations, bursting pustules, eye-popping visuals, and trenchant humor.” 

“If there was ever a superhuman hero for these toxic, miserable times, Toxie is the one!” said Lloyd Kaufman. “Only AHOY Comics and Bors & Harper could pull this off…er…mop this up! Toxie and the Troma Team can’t wait ‘til you read -no, experience – the art and stories that the Toxic Avenger Comic Book will explode in your brain, your soul, and your heart. Above all, remember – Toxie loves you and so do I.”

This series will combine elements of the original films with the Toxic Crusaders cartoon and characters in familiar ways, updated to tell a story of environmental devastation, corporate control, and social media mutation,” said Bors.The Toxic Avenger is first and foremost an environmental satire, one about a small town and its unremarkable people trapped and transformed by circumstances they don’t control. The story Fred Harper and I are telling is about people frustrated by authorities telling them not to worry about their life, that things are fine, even as their dog mutates in front of their eyes. And at its core it is about a powerless boy, Melvin, who finds out he can be incredibly strong, hideously mutated, well-admired, and incredibly heroic… but still ultimately powerless over human behavior.”

In The Toxic Avengerteenager Melvin Junko helps run his parent’s junkyard in Tromaville, a small town in New Jersey where nothing much ever happens — until an ill-timed train derailment of toxic waste transforms Melvin into a hideously deformed creature of superhuman size and strength: the Toxic Avenger!

Under a media blackout imposed by Biohazard Solutions (BS) and their PR-spewing Chairwoman Lindsay Flick, Melvin emerges as a hero fighting against BS and the mutated threats that keep popping up around Tromaville.

Eventually Melvin uncovers a vast conspiracy more far-reaching than he could have ever imagined — but he knows if everyone is simply made aware of the crisis, they’ll act to stop it. Right?

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