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Switch Version of ‘Dying Light 2’ Delayed From Next Month’s Launch



Unfortunately for Dying Light 2 fans, they’ll have to endure another delay. However, this time it’s for those who were looking to snag the game on the Nintendo Switch.

Per IGN, developer Techland has announced that the Switch version of Dying Light 2, which uses a cloud-based streaming system, has been pushed back from next month’s release date. The other consoles and PC versions are not affected by the delay.

As for the reasoning behind the delay, Techland states that they delayed the game to provide Switch players “with the gaming experience at the level they deserve.” Techland is now aiming to release the Switch version “within six months” of the original February release date, putting the Switch version’s release in August.

This latest delay comes after Dying Light 2 was originally pushed from its original Spring 2020 release, and again from a December 7th, 2021 release.

Dying Light 2 will arrive February 4 on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series.

In the meantime, Techland and Sony have released a new video comparing the different graphical modes for the PlayStation 5.

Writer/Artist/Gamer from the Great White North. I try not to be boring.

Video Games

Original PC Port of ‘Resident Evil’ Now Available on GOG, ‘Resident Evil 2’ and ‘Resident Evil 3: Nemesis’ Coming Soon [Trailer]



While it’s not quite the Resident Evil that many are hoping for from Capcom, it’s still a welcome sight. After reports surfaced earlier this month, GOG has revealed that the original PC port of Resident Evil is now available on the service, with Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis coming later.

The 1996 port (which infamously contains the cut content from the Resident Evil: Director’s Cut that was supposed to be in that version of the game) features all of its content intact, as well as “quality of life improvements” and enhanced compatibility for modern systems.

In fact, GOG has listed off those compatibility enhancements:

  • Full compatibility with Windows 10 and Windows 11.
  • All 4 localizations of the game included (English, German, French, Japanese).
  • Improved DirectX game renderer.
  • New rendering options (Windowed Mode, Vertical Synchronization Control, Gamma Correction, Integer Scaling, Anti-Aliasing and more).
  • Improved timing of the cutscenes.
  • Improved game video player.
  • Improved game registry settings.
  • Issue-free game exit and task switching.
  • Full support for modern controllers (Sony DualSense, Sony DualShock4, Microsoft Xbox Series, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo Switch, Logitech F series and many more) with optimal button binding regardless of the hardware and wireless mode.

No date has been given for the when Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3 would hit GOG, but there will be a bundle available that contains all three games.

As a bonus, GOG has teamed up with Suzi Hunter, also known as TheSphereHunter, for an exclusive look at the history of the franchise and the story of its originals’ revival, while interviewing GOG’s technical producer Adam Ziolkowski, as well as head of business development Bartosz Kwietniewski.

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