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‘Hades II’ Expected in Early Access in Q2 2024



Announced last year during The Game Awards, Supergiant Games’ Hades II now has a revised date for its Early Access release. While it was initially expected to hit Early Access this year, Supergiant has instead announced a Q2 2024 release.

The team explained their decision for the move, saying that the plan for Hades II is to “have at least as much content from day one in Early Access as the original game did back when it launched in Early Access”. Furthermore, in spite of the understanding that an Early Access release means that the game is still not complete, the plan is to “do everything we can to make sure Hades II is worth your while as soon as you can play it in any capacity.”

The post continued, saying that prior to the actual Early Access release, Supergiant plans on having a Technical Test with a limited sample of players. The purpose of this test is to find and solve “any technical or compatibility issues” the team might have missed during development. This technical test will contain much less content than what’s in store for the Early Access launch, and likely be limited only to a relatively small subset of players who express interest in participating. More details on the test are expected next year.

As for just how long Hades II will remain in Early Access still has to be determined. The devs’ focus is to keep “building core content” and to “ensure [Hades II] meets our standards, and hopefully yours, too!”

Hades II can currently be wishlisted on PC via Steam and the Epic Games Store.

Writer/Artist/Gamer from the Great White North. I try not to be boring.

Video Games

‘Haunted House Renovator’ Gets Steam Next Fest Demo [Trailer]



After meeting and surpassing their funding goal earlier this year by over 180%, Image Power is looking to show off their development progress during Steam Next Fest with a demo for Haunted House Renovator. The announcement comes after the developer reported that recent playtests have been a “resounding success”.

Running from June 10-17, the demo will allow players to explore the core mechanics of Haunted House Renovator, as well as get a feel for the game’s atmosphere and the various decorating options available to them. Image Power notes that the playtests have seen participants “praising the game’s immersive atmosphere, engaging mechanics, and the unique blend of renovation and paranormal elements.”

The developers noted that the playtest feedback “ensures that the upcoming demo will offer a polished and enjoyable experience for all players.”

Haunted House Renovator has a simple concept: as a ghost-hunting renovator, your task is to restore haunted houses to a usable state. Applying a new wallpaper won’t be enough to convince your customers that a house is safe, however. You also need to deal with whatever is haunting it.

You’ll deal not only with ghosts and monsters, but also curses and possessions, with each locale having their own unique challenges and mysteries. Once whatever is haunting the mansion has been booted, you’ve got to deal with cleanup. Using your creativity, you must decorate the mansion to make it inviting and liveable.

Thanks to the Kickstarter funds, the team plans on developing console versions of Haunted House Renovator in addition to the Steam version.

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