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Review: ‘Axe Cop Vol 4: President of the World’ TPB



The amazingly entertaining and imaginative series from the mind of an eight year old returns. Ethan Nicolle depicts his younger brother Malachai’s further adventures of “Axe Cop”. President of the World delivers on so many levels, and adds new memorable characters to this wacky universe. The book is unrelenting zany fun for those who aren’t concerned with plot holes or strange conveniences.

WRITTEN BY: Malachai Nicolle
ART BY: Ethan Nicolle
PRICE: $12.99
RELEASE: July 3, 2013

For the unfamiliar, “Axe Cop” tells the adventures of the titular hero as told from the mind of an eight year old. The book cautions you immediately. Things here are not to be taken seriously. The real world is terrible and “Axe Cop” is fun. Forget everything else.

President of the World collects the three issue miniseries from earlier this year into one book and boy does it deliver. President of the World picks up right where volume three left off. Axe Cop is residing as President of the World in his Gold House in Axeville, which is now capital of the world. He makes a promise of peace from the bad guys for a million years to the people of the world, and sends all the heroes of his time a million in the future to secure his victory. Phew…

Plot is crazy here. Millions of years pass by with a single page. Yet, character is where this book shines most. Malachai’s sprawling stories always seem to focus on wonderful and colorful characters. This time through we have the addition of Junior Cobb and Goo Cop. Junior Cobb is a gorilla from planet weird gorilla that has rocket fists. Goo Cop is a man turned pile of goo turned cop by aliens and Axe Cop respectively.

Junior Cobb and Goo Cop give the story a explosive dose of variety. Junior Cobb is just so amazing as a concept that every frame he is part of he absolutely steals. Goo Cop’s arc is tragic and fantastic.

The whole book is really thrown together with Ethan’s utterly upbeat and clean art. The art of the book allows every character to ooze with personality. The deep clean lines give everything a solid look like the best Saturday morning cartoons. Every frame of Junior Cobb’s stupid face will slay you, Goo Cop’s wonderful mutations and goo powers will enthrall you. The Water Princess manages too look both insane and beautiful at the same time.

Frankly the art combined with the zany story feels like some surreal waking dream of delightful insanity. Nothing is quite consistent in the story, but the art is always a treat to look at. Absolutely anything can be done, and because of the magic of comics. Universes can be traversed in a matter of panels.

“Axe Cop” is special kinds of fun. It brought me back to the days of my childhood where I used to smash action figures together, all the while building a winding incoherent narrative behind all the smashing. The pace is absolutely unrelenting, and the story is unlike anything in comics right now.

Later this month the cartoon version of the comic is launching. I for one can’t wait. Get into “Axe Cop” now, because by the end of this month it’s all anyone will be talking about.

4/5 Skulls

Reviewed by – Jimbus_Christ


‘Witchblade’ is Getting Resurrected This Summer in New Comic Series from Top Cow and Image Comics



Witchblade cover

Witchblade, the popular comic series that initially ran from 1995 to 2015 and launched a TV series, is getting resurrected in a new comic series from Top Cow and Image Comics. It’s set to unleash heavy metal, black magic and blood this summer.

Look for the new Witchblade series to launch on July 17, 2024.

In Witchblade #1, “New York City Police Detective Sara Pezzini’s life was forever fractured by her father’s murder. Cold, cunning, and hellbent on revenge, Sara now stalks a vicious criminal cabal beneath the city, where an ancient power collides and transforms her into something wild, magnificent, and beyond her darkest imaginings. How will Sara use this ancient power, or will she be consumed by it?”

The series is penned by NYT Best-Selling writer Marguerite Bennett (AnimosityBatwomanDC Bombshells) and visualized by artist Giuseppe Cafaro (Suicide SquadPower RangersRed Sonja). The creative duo is working with original co-creator Marc Silvestri, who is the CEO of Top Cow Productions Inc. and one of the founders of Image Comics. They are set to reintroduce the series to Witchblade’s enduring fans with “a reimagined origin with contemporary takes on familiar characters and new story arcs that will hook new readers and rekindle the energy and excitement that fueled the 90’s Image Revolution that shaped generations of top creators.”

Bennett said in a statement, “The ability to tell a ferocious story full of monsters, sexuality, vision, and history was irresistible.” She adds, “Our saga is sleek, vicious, ferocious, and has a lot to say about power in the 21st century and will be the first time that we are stopping the roller coaster to let more people on. I’ve loved Witchblade since I was a child, and there is truly no other heroine like Sara with such an iconic legacy and such a rich, brutal relationship to her own body.”

“The Witchblade universe is being modernized to reflect how Marguerite beautifully explores the extreme sides of Sara through memories, her personal thoughts, like desire and hunger, in her solitude and when she is possessed by the Witchblade. So, I had to visually intersect a noir True Detective-like world with a supernatural, horror world that is a fantastic mix between Berserk and Zodiac,” Cafaro stated.

Marc Silvestri notes, “This is brand new mythology around Sara, and I can’t wait for you to fall in love with her and all the twists and turns. Discover Witchblade reimagined this summer, and join us as we bring all the fun of the 90s to the modern age and see how exciting comics can be. I can’t wait for you to read this new series.”

Witchblade#1 will be available at comic book shops on Wednesday, July 17th, for $4.99 for 48 pages. And it’ll come with multiple cover variants.

  • Cover A: Marc Silvestri and Arif Prianto (Full Color)

  • Cover B: Giuseppe Cafaro and Arif Prianto (Full Color)

  • Cover C: Blank Sketch Cover

  • Cover D (1/10): Dani and Brad Simpson (Full Color)

  • Cover E (1/25): Marc Silvestri and Arif Prianto, Virgin Cover (Full Color)

  • Cover F (1/50): J.Scott Campbell (Full Color)

  • Cover G (1/100): Bill Sienkiewicz. (Full Color)

  • Cover H (1/250): Line art by Marc. Virgin Cover, Inks (B/W)

Witchblade #1 will also be available across many digital platforms, including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and Google Play.

Witchblade comic panel Witchblade #1 cover image

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