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It’s Time for Spiders to Make a Comeback in the ‘Resident Evil’ Series



It’s that time of year where the sun is out, those who have a garden have a project to plant some flowers, maybe build a Tiki Bar, or just to sit outside and play classic animalistic fighter Bloody Roar on a PS Vita.

But for me, there’s also this other, more unpleasant aspect to garden life. Spiders are around, waiting to surprise me as I may stumble into a web stretching across the washing line. Even indoors is no safe haven, as I could be greeted with one in the shower.

A year ago I had written a piece on my fear of spiders, and since it was published, I’ve had a lot of replies to it.

Resident Evil 3 was one of the games in that article that brought the fear on with its scuttling monster arachnids, and now that the remake has come out without a spider in sight, I wanted to explain why they should now come back to the Resident Evil franchise, after a decade-long absence.

Survival-Horror was defined by Resident Evil in 1996, and it wasn’t just the jump-scares or the fear of running out of ammo that cemented its place in history; it was the monsters. Some were freakish monstrosities created in a lab, and then there were disturbing super-size variations of regular animals, from moths to snakes, and of course… spiders. My fear was, and still is, found in the classic entries, but there’s a whole other generation of Resident Evil games that have avoided eight-legged freaks – and that’s been both a relief and a disappointment to me.

I remember watching a friend play the original Resident Evil back on the Saturn. Even though the graphics were more basic, the movement was still creepy to me. The original Resident Evil had a remake way back in 2002 on the GameCube that made the crawlies even creepier. In fact, when I decided to give it a spin on Steam for this piece, you, dear reader, can enjoy the fact that when they appeared, I couldn’t have felt more uncomfortable. I had my partner try to finish the section for me, even though she had never heard of a Resident Evil game.

But I came to appreciate just how good they did look. They made the spiders from the clock tower-section of Resident Evil 3 look like joke-shop toys. They crawled and attacked in a more unnervingly realistic manner, and the sounds as well made them even more terrifying. In Resident Evil 0, they mercifully only make a small appearance at the basement entrance to the facility, halfway-through the game.

Resident Evil Code: Veronica, a game that’s begging to be remade, even if Resident Evil 4 is next in line, had its own spin on the oversized arachnid gimmick. A large spindly Black Widow spider makes an appearance in the Antarctica section, alongside its smaller brethren in a couple of rooms in both Claire’s and Chris’ scenarios. Still terrifying, but thankfully they were limited to such a small section. Playing these games for the first time and not knowing if I’d face my fear once again was always an unpleasant, yet thrilling sensation.

When I spotted on Twitter and Reddit that last year’s article was being shared, I discovered there are searches from people who simply ask others if there are any spiders in an entry before they start. I find solace in the fact that it’s not just me, and instead of them looking at wiki’s and asking friends, they seek out like-minded tortured souls to find the answers.

Soon after my article being published early last year, Capcom pushed out an update to Resident Evil 2 that saw spider-webs appear in the sewer sections, further raising the dread/anticipation that they were now appearing in the game as some form as a post-launch surprise. Or perhaps they were hints to the yet-to-be-announced Resident Evil 3

But alas (with some relief), it was a red herring.

Early previews of the Resident Evil 3 reimagining had said that spiders were definitely around, but after my review and subsequent plays of it, I can confidently say there definitely aren’t any. The confusion could be linked to the Demio enemies that do walk on the walls and appear more spider-like, but they seem more like mutant ants (or, as described on Wiki, flea-like parasites), and much further away than their original appearances as pale-green Lickers. All the same, spiders were one of the many things omitted in the reimagined Resi 3.

But now that we are back in the limbo between new releases in the series until at least next year, it makes me wonder whether it’s now time to have spiders come back in some form. Granted, the power of the RE Engine could make them seem even more realistic and even more terrifying, but that’s not the only reason to do it.

What made the remakes so fun to play, specifically RE2, was the paranoia of what could be round the corner; what could be following you, and the foreshadowing of what could be facing you next. With the remake of Resident Evil 4 well-underway, it would be a great twist to see arachnids in the cave sections a third of the way through the game, to raise that paranoia, and bring something unexpected and unsettling to a well-known game.

I’m not saying to change it for the sake of it, but rather to tap into another side of paranoia and fear; the feeling that your worst nightmare could be around that next corner. Mix that in with all that is loved about the original Resident Evil 4, and it could be another fantastic remake that elevates the survival-horror via another fresh angle in this rebooted-series.

Granted, I may be walking into it sweating profusely and with one eye open, especially after my time with the three games I’ve played for this piece, but when it comes down to it; they’ve been away for too long now; maybe it’s time to bring the arachnids back, to have them be the multi-legged nemesis to Leon in Resident Evil 4 Remake, or reimagined in some terrifying new way for Resident Evil 8

After all, being scared is what makes horror so enticing…isn’t it?


The Lovecraftian Behemoth in ‘Underwater’ Remains One of the Coolest Modern Monster Reveals



Underwater Kristen Stewart - Cthulhu

One of the most important elements of delivering a memorable movie monster is the reveal. It’s a pivotal moment that finally sees the threat reveal itself in full to its prey, often heralding the final climactic confrontation, which can make or break a movie monster. It’s not just the creature effects and craftmanship laid bare; a monster’s reveal means the horror is no longer up to the viewer’s imagination. 

When to reveal the monstrous threat is just as important as HOW, and few contemporary creature features have delivered a monster reveal as surprising or as cool as 2020’s Underwater

The Setup

Director William Eubank’s aquatic creature feature, written by Brian Duffield (No One Will Save You) and Adam Cozad (The Legend of Tarzan), is set around a deep water research and drilling facility, Kepler 822, at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, sometime in the future. Almost straight away, a seemingly strong earthquake devastates the facility, creating lethal destruction and catastrophic system failures that force a handful of survivors to trek across the sea floor to reach safety. But their harrowing survival odds get compounded when the group realizes they’re under siege by a mysterious aquatic threat.

The group is comprised of mechanical engineer Norah Price (Kristen Stewart), Captain Lucien (Vincent Cassel), biologist Emily (Jessica Henwick), Emily’s engineer boyfriend Liam (John Gallagher Jr.), and crewmates Paul (T.J. Miller) and Rodrigo (Mamadou Athie). 

Underwater crew

Eubank toggles between survival horror and creature feature, with the survivors constantly facing new harrowing obstacles in their urgent bid to find an escape pod to the surface. The slow, arduous one-mile trek between Kepler 822 and Roebuck 641 comes with oxygen worries, extreme water pressure that crushes in an instant, and the startling discovery of a new aquatic humanoid species- one that happens to like feasting on human corpses. Considering the imploding research station, the Mariana Trench just opened a human buffet.

The Monster Reveal

For two-thirds of Underwater’s runtime, Eubank delivers a nonstop ticking time bomb of extreme survival horror as everything attempts to prevent the survivors from reaching their destination. That includes the increasingly pesky monster problem. Eubank shows these creatures piecemeal, borrowing a page from Alien by giving glimpses of its smaller form first, then quick flashes of its mature state in the pitch-black darkness of the deep ocean. 

The third act arrives just as Norah reaches the Roebuck, but not before she must trudge through a dense tunnel of sleeping humanoids. Eubank treats this like a full monster reveal, with Stewart’s Norah facing an intense gauntlet of hungry creatures. She’s even partially swallowed and forced to channel her inner Ellen Ripley to make it through and inside to safety.

Yet, it’s not the true monster reveal here. It’s only once the potential for safety is finally in sight that Eubank pulls the curtain back to reveal the cause behind the entire nightmare: the winged Behemoth, Cthulhu. Suddenly, the tunnel of humanoid creatures moves away, revealing itself to be an appendage for a gargantuan creature. Norah sends a flare into the distance, briefly lighting the tentacled face of an ancient entity.

Underwater Deep Ones creature

It’s not just the overwhelming vision of this massive, Lovecraftian entity that makes its reveal so memorable, but the retroactive story implications it creates. Cthulhu’s emerging presence, awakened by the relentless drilling at the deepest depths of the ocean, was behind the initial destruction that destroyed Kepler 822. More importantly, Eubank confirmed that the Behemoth is indeed Cthulhu, which means that the humanoid creatures stalking the survivors are Deep Ones. What makes this even more fascinating is that the choice to give the Big Bad Behemoth a Lovecraftian identity wasn’t part of the script. Eubank revealed in an older interview with Bloody Disgusting how the creature quietly evolved into Cthulhu.

The Death Toll

Just how deadly is Cthulhu? Well, that depends. Most of the on-screen deaths in Underwater are environmental, with implosions and water pressure taking out most of the characters we meet. The Deep Ones are first discovered munching on the corpse of an unidentified crew member, and soon after, kill and eat Paul in a gruesome fashion. Lucien gets dragged out into the open depths by a Deep One in a group attack but sacrifices himself via his pressurized suit to save his team from getting devoured.

The on-screen kill count at the hands of this movie monster and its minions is pretty minimal, but the news article clippings shown over the end credits do hint toward the larger impact. Two large deepsea stations were eviscerated by the emergence of Cthulhu, causing an undisclosed countless number of deaths right at the start of the film.

underwater cthulhu

Norah gives her life to stop Cthulhu and save her remaining crewmates, but the Great Old One isn’t so easily vanquished. While the Behemoth may not have slaughtered many on screen here, his off-screen kill count through sheer destruction is likely impressive.

But the takeaway here is that Underwater ends in such a way that the Lovecraftian deity may only be at the start of a new reign of terror now that he’s awake.

The Impact

Neither Underwater or Cthulhu overstay their welcome here. Eubank shows just enough of his Behemoth to leave a lasting impression, without showing too much to ruin the mystery. The nonstop sense of urgency and survival complications only further the fast-paced thrills.

The result is a movie monster we’d love to see more from, and for horror fans, there’s no greater compliment than that.

Where to Watch

Underwater is currently available to stream on Tubi and FX Now.

It’s also available on Blu-ray, DVD, and Digital.

In television, “Monster of the Week” refers to the one-off monster antagonists featured in a single episode of a genre series. The popular trope was originally coined by the writers of 1963’s The Outer Limits and is commonly employed in The X-FilesBuffy the Vampire Slayer, and so much more. Pitting a series’ protagonists against featured creatures offered endless creative potential, even if it didn’t move the serialized storytelling forward in huge ways. Considering the vast sea of inventive monsters, ghouls, and creatures in horror film and TV, we’re borrowing the term to spotlight horror’s best on a weekly basis.

Kristen Stewart horror

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