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Video Games

Puppet Combo Mashes ‘DOOM’ With ‘Resident Evil’ in a Video That Screams For Development



So you’ve been ripping and tearing with DOOM Eternal (and if you haven’t, why not?). But, you still have a thing for old-school DOOM. In fact, you also have a thing for old-school Resident Evil. Leave it to Puppet Combo to once again grace the internet with their amalgamation, marrying together id Software’s 1993 classic with Capcom’s 1996 classic. The result is DOOM played out like a Survival Horror game. With space marines, of course.

Now, as much as we’d all love to see Puppet Combo work their magic and create a fully-fledged game using this technique, they’ve got their hands full with their latest project: Tenebra. Described as “Silent Hill meets [Stephen King’s] The Gunslinger“, the game is going to be “a long one”. Meaning that we’re going to be getting it one chapter at a time.

You can support Puppet Combo and their efforts on their Patreon or on

Writer/Artist/Gamer from the Great White North. I try not to be boring.

Video Games

‘Batman: Arkham Shadow’ Announced for the Quest 3 [Teaser]



WB Games and Rocksteady didn’t exactly have the best result with Batman: Arkham VR, but publisher Oculus Studios and developer Camouflaj (who worked on Marvel’s Iron Man VR) are looking to give it a go with Batman: Arkham Shadow for the Meta Quest 3.

Launching “late 2024“, there’s not much info on the game at the moment, though via the Summer Game Fest X account, we’ll be seeing more from Arkham Shadow when Summer Game Fest rolls around on June 7. The announcement trailer for Batman: Arkham Shadow does provide a little teaser with its description, stating “Gotham City is in danger. And you’re the only one who can save it.”.

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